Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Growing up

It took me a long time to grab this concept of "growing up". I thought i've grown up when i hit 18. I am i legal adult, true, but just physically. Mentally & emotionally, I'm not. You see, even if you are 20 or 30, you might still be considered grown up if you can't see through some of the issue's in life. I'm talking about holding grudges and calculating all those small offending acts people had done to you before. It is not an act of growing up.
Recently, a guy, this guy, just said something to me that i find rather offending and sexist. The things he said to me wasn't new, i experienced it about 7 or 8 years ago, but the difference is the reaction that i gave. At 13, i flipped out at their comment and curse them into oblivion. At 21, although it was as offending as it was before, i don't really care. Sure it was rude and i was as offended as i was, i didn't say anything.This is growing up to me. The small matter's doesn't matter anymore. If he can't appreciate me for who i am, then why should i care? I live myself as i want not according to what other's things. 
Yes, we don't realize that at most time, we tend to follow what other's said even if it harms us. As kids, we want to fit in. We'll do anything to be accepted and that's just a part of growing up and learning how to deal with this vicious world we're in. Being an adult, we should be more rational and matured. If i took offence at that guy's comment, it would have showed that i'm still a kid and i'm not matured enough to deal with the society. 
Recall any memory, when you thought it was seriously offending/ embarrassing that time now just looks so ridiculous that you want to laugh at yourself. I did, many times. Wished i could go back and slap myself. I'd take back what i said then if i can but the past is the past and we have to move forward. I've come a long way since. I guess why i'm like this right now is part of how i was. I learn as i grow. Being independent, seeing the world as it is now made me realize that, life is too short to give a damn about those little people that was a pain in the butt. Think of them as a bump in the road, you will have to face this kind of people sooner or later. As kids, we really spend much time holding grudges against other people, now i just don't think it's worth it.
 In this case i think he had made himself look bad. He's the immature one who gave sexist comments and childish assumptions. I don't know what is his problem. And i seriously, don't care. Sure, i'm more sarcastic towards him now but he's pretty oblivious so why press the matter? Since he doesn't see what he's done, i might as well just drop the matter. No point fuming over something he thinks he hasn't done. But of course, this matter might bite back at him someday, when he chooses to bring up something sexist and immature again. For now, i'll grow up and not care. 
There are assholes everywhere, it's how you deal with them that show's your strength as an adult. Keep in mind that they are just one small challenges that you have to deal with as a part of growing up. I did, so can you. Now throw away those grudges and move on, you'll feel that the world feels much free and easy without them...

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