Friday 18 July 2014

MH17: Grief and Prayers

In the wake of the latest news of Malaysian Airline MH17 which was allegedly shot down near Ukraine, I would like to express my deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to all the families of the passengers on board. Indeed it is a tragic year and I have no idea how we are going to live through this disaster.
I think this will be the darkest day in aviation history whereby so many innocent lives were taken, I like to believe God has a better place for them in heaven and they are merely going home to the almighty one.
I was due to have an exam this morning but after reading about the news, I just couldn't concentrate and broke down crying. It's hard not to when you hear and see such a tragic case. 
I was so afraid my friend was on that plane, she hasn't replied me and I really pray that she's alright. Its hard not to fear for the lives of our loved ones right now. I fear for the lives of my parents who would be taking a trip this year end and for my life. This incident made me realize how fragile and unpredictable life is. You could be alive this minute and gone the next, the person I care about would have been okay yesterday and missing this next day. It made me wonder why God has let things happen. Why has this happened to us?
It had been a tragic year for Malaysia with two aviation accidents happening to the same airline. Barely has the wound healed and another tragedy happened. I don't know how to describe this overwhelming sadness and grief I felt. How are we going to live through this trauma?
Most infuriating of all was the report that the plane was mistakenly shot down! Mistake?!
This is a mistake which caused lives! A mistake where over 200 loved ones were taken away. I really prayed whoever involved in this will spend the next living years reveling in their guilt, if they feel any guilt at all. I hope the images and the faces of the victims are etched into their memory so they spend every waking and sleeping moment seeing their faces till it drives them to madness.
This is unforgivable even if it was a mistake. 
Right now when everything is in chaos, everyone can't help but speculate. This is a national crisis and everyone has to stay united to find the perpetrator. I call this a terrorism act and the murderers has to be brought to justice.
Let's not forget the still missing MH370 which just disappeared 4 months ago. Malaysia is wrecked with grief for losing so many wonderful people which didn't get a chance to know. I pray that it can be found soon. 
As for now, my prayers are to everyone involved in the crashes of MH370 and MH17. Be strong because you have to live on for the others. 

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