Friday, 6 July 2012

Natures of politicians

Years ago, I don't give a damn on politics in my country. Till today i still don't actually give a damn. But it's really annoying when all these scandals, debates and controversies of the politicians makes the headlines of the daily newspaper. Sometimes i read them, sometimes i don't. In general i don't give a shit but sometimes i find it rather amusing that these politicians are acting like a bunch of kids throwing wild accusations at each other. Like recently i read about a political leader being accused of being in a scandalous relationship and the other political "kids" are forcing him to step out and he just doesn't want to cuz he claims there's nothing going on. Politician caught with their pants down? It's a lil bit too cliche now. Anyway, that's just one issue. Then there are those "special" policies to protect a certain group of people and they did it too much that other group just got plain neglected. I won't elaborate much since i still wanna live my life peacefully. 
You get the picture of how shitty politics can get. There's no point really for these people to fight so much just to "save" their country from corruption and stuffs. Well i think the country already is corrupted the way it is. They scream for justice in the microphone but do they really fight for it when they get to climb up to that position? These people don't really wanna save the country, they just want power and authority to pressure those below them. They aren't really that self-actualized yet. It's easy to spot. If they genuinely wanna help their people, they won't be living in a mansion, driving a mercedes or have their own driver, own huge properties, vacation in Dubai or Macau, cruising in the Caribbean, wearing designer products AND their kids would be driving BMW's to schools, attend expensive international universities and have parties every weekends wearing things from Prada, Versace and so on .
 Instead, if they really have the heart to help others they would wear rags (like Ghandi), travelling in public transportation, hardly ever have a vacation, doing plenty of charity and bla bla bla (as long as its opposite of what i listed above)
Y'see, not most politician are willing to do that. I dare them to travel to those third world country and donate their fortune. Hah! I can bet they don't dare to touch those starving kids in the third world. Instead most charity are done by the normal citizens, one's that are normally insignificant to the politic world, their name unheard of. But imagine what it means to those who receive those helps. I only see the politician doing some stuff when nearing the next election or before a major event. Tsk, that's just the way it really is. It's sad but what can we do? This is human nature.

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