Monday, 22 October 2012

Some problem with Korean drama

Recently i'm kinda obsessed with the korean drama "Innocent man". I must say, they really portrayed the characters so real until i feel like choking the real actress and actor for being so evil. And Damn! song joong ki is just so handsome. Tsk~
But anyway, along the drama i've notice some mistakes. I'm not saying its just them, i also see repeated mistakes in other drama. First, the phone model. Sure, Samsung LOVES to promote their new phone in korean drama's and in this case it's the Galaxy S3. As we all know Samsung tends to come out with new models oh so frequently. So why is the actors inside still using the S3 after fast forwarding few years into the future? Don't most people already change to a newer model by then?
And the second problem... tsk, all the characters use the exact same freaking phone. It's only differences in colour but well, samsung aren't famous for their different coloured phones except Corby. So i see mostly white, blue or black in the drama. I'm not just saying Samsung, i noticed that in drama's using Sony phones too. Plus, oh they just love showing their phone features. Well, that's what we call product placement. meh.
Third, the oh so predictable endings at times. I can even be a director if you allow me to. <oh but don't worry i won't> Which is why i only choose specific drama's to watch. The plot sometimes starts with a bang then ends with a whimper, i mean WHAT? it suppose to be the other way round. And i really hate it when the ending sounds promising then it ended up tragically different. Geez!!!
Anyway, this is just the few problems i found irritating. There are many more but it doesn't bother me that much. Innocent man is a great drama to me, good looking cast and a nice plot. I feel bad for Song joong ki's character, always getting misunderstood. And oh my, the attorney inside <drools>... I mean the younger one<glare> lee sang yeob~~~ gosh, he is HOT!! So if you're a fan of twisted plots or dramatic turns then i guess this drama is recommended. Tho i warn you, you REALLY do wanna kill some characters inside. I don't know if it's a compliment or not. :/ It's still airing and i can't freakin wait  for the ending. >XD

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