I get it, you want to work part time for money but in this girl's case, for fame and adoration. She's a part-time model, she thinks the world revolves around her. Yeah, she's famous, for the wrong reasons I'd say. I was being kind enough to accept her into my assignment group cuz she didn't have any. Who would have thought she's this kind of person?!
I hate it. She's pulling the disappearing act. Not answering calls, text messages and even facebook messages. I had to be like a stalker and inbox her 4 facebook account number and ask her mutual friends for her VALID number. It's frustrating. I just want to tear her hair out and maul her pretty tranny face now.
I'm frustrated, who wouldn't be? I have to present tomorrow and i'm not going to have another chance. Here she is trying to mess everything up for me.
Woman! If you want to work as a model more that study (which is the main focus when you even decided to enter university), then quit school! I wonder how did she even manage to enter University with this kind of irresponsible, snobby, shitty attitude. I'm in no mood to be nice to her.
AND those kind of members who doesn't respect you as a leader. They will push the title to you, oh yes, then they'll boss you around like they're in charge. Let's not forget to mention that when things go horribly wrong, they will blame you and hold you responsible for everything! The time they wasted just to blame you, why not they spend it to cook up a plan B? Or be more supportive of the leader at least. Instead they just sulk and do nothing while I as the leader has to do everything. It's clearly not my fault!
Times like this, i really want to go on a killing rampage. If it wasn't for my sanity, I would have. Even if i don't murder, I feel like tearing their hair out or poke their eyes.... It's maddening.
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