Wednesday 20 November 2013

Pathetic Love Life

          I don't know what's wrong with me, I have been watching way too many depressing love stories. It made me think about my own pathetic love life which doesn't exist. Okay, so i can add one admirer into my dating resume for now. But I chose to back out of that one. 
           So I was watching The Nanny (reruns) and at first I find it so hilarious. Then episodes after episodes, watching Fran struggle to find a man that she can settle down with made me think of myself. She admitted that she was desperate and pathetic, now I'm starting to think alike too.  
Things got worse when I watched a short Korean drama "Expect dating/ Looking forward to romance". The girl inside also had the same problem as me, except she got off to a better start. She wasn't deprive of candidates in the first place, just a problem with keeping them. Again, I can empathize with the part that she wanted to be in a relationship but it is so hard to find a good guy.
          I used to think how pathetic of some girls to like guys that treat them like dirt. If you ever watched Itazura Na Kiss (Japan) or Mischievous Kiss (taiwan) or Playful Kiss (Korea)- don't ask me why they made so many version of the comic, it's a pretty stupid story but if you watch it you will understand what I mean when I say stupid girl. The protagonist inside is really dumb, falling in love with a guy waaaay out of her standards. The guy is a genius but cold blooded jerk who openly admits he hates dumb/stupid girls and treat the girl so badly. But the girl still fell for him, stubbornly loving him even when she has been rejected multiple times. I do admire the girl's determination and spirits, if only she put that into something that will help her in the future like studying for example. Somehow, I found that I can totally feel for them now. Even when I know this guy is a major flirt, popular, out of my league, fake and selfish (all the possible negative comments I have ever heard), one look and it was all forgotten. I can't bring myself to dislike the guy. I just can't do it. Now I am the dumb girl and I hate it. 

          It's so hard to find the perfect guy these days. There's no more fairytale love story, perfect guy and a slow romantic and passionate relationship these days. All the good guys are married, gay, gone into hiding or extinct. They either rush into things way too fast or they realize it way too slow and they lose their chance. What I want, or what every girl wants is no longer a reality but a fantasy. Being in a relationship that is slow but progressive, routine but romantic and all those classic stories that we love when we were little girls.
Things are so complicated these days. I like to think too much, from all perspective, consider the pro's and con's too much. It's bad for me. I really hoped i was more of an simple minded person who rushes into things without thinking too much. Then again, I have too much pride. But really, all we want as human, is to have the best for ourselves. 
          I am pathetic, I know. I find it so easy to empathize with stupid girl in love and desperate girls these days because I am one. 

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