Just Sleep~~
When we were kids, our parents will force us to take naps in the afternoon. We usually hate it, being kids, we want to play and stay as long as possible in the big outdoors. Now all grown up and an adult, we suddenly realize we barely have enough time to sleep. What with all those works we have to do, sleeping is a dream come true (i mean when we're really tired). Like me now is university, I'll appreciate whatever little time i have to sleep. I just wanna crawl up into my bed and sleep like that lazy cat on top.The thing is sleeping is a good thing as shown by research. I myself have other theory about the benefits of sleep. Now, I for one won't believe that sleep can help you lose weight. The only logic in this is because when you sleep, you don't really care to eat. I have a lot of sleep still, i don't see any changes in my weight. :/
For me, sleeping is a therapy. I sleep when I'm frustrated or angry. After waking up, i feel more relaxed & calm to deal with whatever problems i have. Heaps of assignment that once seems impossible may just look possible after a good sleep. Arguing with people? Go have a sleep and you'll see that you won't feel mad at them after that. It helps in maintaining relationship y'know (if you think that way). Even in times of confusion, i sleep. Sometimes you'll find the answer to your confusion miraculously after a good sleep (or maybe you find the answer in your dreams-whichever). Cuz sometimes we over think and make it much complicated than it really is, sleeping kinda straighten things out again (if you know what i mean). Forgetting things? Simple-sleep and hope that you'll remember. I won't guarantee you that it really works. Just suggesting.
Sleeping is now a much prized thing in my daily life. If I get a totally free weekends, you'll find me in bed till way past noon. And i sleep in as much as i can during weekends. It's a bad habit of students but do you close the alarm when it goes off and go back to sleep even just for a few minutes? I do. Lemme tell you, it feels a lot more better even if its an extra few minutes of sleep.
Tho I must say, it's bad to oversleep and people usually associate frequent sleep as lazy. And sleeping to kill time? Meh, i don't do that often. But i won't say it's ridiculous cuz i do that once in a while.
So if you meet with some of the problems i mention, just sleep! Forget about everything and relax~~~ zzzz
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